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Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: 

At Gages Lake School, all staff members undergo training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® techniques to effectively support and ensure the safety of students. The Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI), established in 1980, has trained over 10 million professionals worldwide through its Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® program. This demonstrates a strong commitment to equipping professionals with the skills necessary to manage challenging situations while prioritizing the well-being and security of everyone involved.

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® provides the framework for learning necessary skills and team strategies rooted in a philosophy that prioritizes Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security®.  The program does not provide a script or recipe for staff to follow in evolving crisis situations.  The CPI program design and Training Process promote a person-centered approach for staff decision making using problem-solving principles to prevent, defuse, or manage risk behavior
For more information about the Crisis Prevention Institute or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® , visit or call 888-426-2184.


Ukeru is a system based on receiving information communicated through someone’s actions. It is the only restraint-free program that combines hands-on training, theoretical concepts, practical tools, and specialized equipment to safely manage—and diffuse—crises.
For more information about Ukeru visit or call 540.542.0200 Ext 6412