School Supplies
- 3- Laminated folders or hard plastic folders for home/school communication
- 1- Box large (gallon) zip lock bags
- 1- Box small (quart or sandwich) zip lock bags
- 1- Box extra small (snack) zip lock bags
- 3- Large glue sticks
- 1-Pencil Box
- 1- Backpack
- 1- Water Bottle
- 3- Boxes facial tissue
- 1- Container of Clorox wipes
- 1- Pair of gym shoes, to keep at school *Optional
- 1- Extra change of clothing (full set) to keep at school *Optional
ED/Alt Primary, Structured Learning Classrooms & SAB only:
If needed changing supplies
If needed feminine hygiene products
A set of personal hygiene products (ex. Deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
If your child requires Wipes, please provide
Optional- Preferred snacks for your child during snack time