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Who We Are

Gages Lake School is designed to support students who face significant emotional and behavioral challenges. The program emphasizes the delivery of therapeutic interventions tailored to each student's unique needs, helping them navigate social and emotional hurdles while also fostering academic growth.

Gages Lake School has 2 programming options available to students with emotional and behavioral needs...

Emotional Disability/Alternative (ED/Alt) Program:

The ED/Alt is a program serves kindergarten through 5th-grade students with significant emotional and behavioral needs. The program focuses on providing therapeutic interventions that enable students to manage their social-emotional challenges while building academic skills. Through a highly structured environment, students learn and apply positive interventions designed to help them internalize coping strategies and generalize these skills to less restrictive educational settings.

The program is dedicated to the  development of each student, aiming to foster self-worth, emotional well-being, and academic achievement. Individualized instruction, aligned with Common Core Standards and the SEDOL Curriculum, provides a balanced approach to literacy and math, tailored to meet each student’s unique learning needs.

Social-emotional instruction is embedded throughout the daily routine, with Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and the SEDOL Social Emotional Frameworks forming the foundation of this learning. Additionally, the educational team incorporates research-based and data-driven interventions based on each student's specific needs.

Collaboration with parents and home districts is integral to the program, creating a team approach that ensures comprehensive support for each student. When students transition out of the Gages Lake School program, they are equipped with the skills necessary to become lifelong learners and productive, successful members of society. 

Shaping Appropriate Behaviors (SAB) Program:

The SAB program is designed to support students with mild to moderate cognitive delays by providing a structured and routine-based environment. The focus is on equipping students with the coping skills necessary for success, with an overarching goal of transitioning them to an appropriate post-school setting or a less restrictive class or program.

The SAB program utilizes a comprehensive curriculum that addresses all core areas, including literacy, math, science, social studies, and social-emotional development, aligning with the DLM Essential Elements. Instruction is delivered through multimodal methods, ensuring that curricular activities are concrete and accessible to students. Technology is embedded throughout lessons, enhancing student engagement and learning.

Functional skill development is a key component of the program, with a strong emphasis on communication, activities of daily living, recreation and leisure skills, and vocational training. For eligible students, instruction extends beyond the classroom through Community-Based Instruction (CBI) trips, offering real-life experiences that support the acquisition of essential life skills.

Students receive individualized social-emotional and behavioral support as needed. Therapy and instructional goals are collaboratively developed by the student's educational team, led by the classroom teacher. Therapy services are delivered through an integrated and collaborative model that is woven into the classroom routine, ensuring consistent support throughout the day.

SAB students begin preparing for future employment as early as the elementary level by developing pre-vocational skills. These job-readiness skills are crucial for fostering independence and include time management, problem-solving, critical thinking, personal hygiene, behavior management, and social communication. Through task analysis, career exploration, and instruction in workplace safety, students are prepared to transition into the workforce with confidence and competence.

The SAB program emphasizes hands-on learning opportunities at all age levels, ensuring that students are prepared to live and thrive in the world today.

Program Supports & Services:

Gages Lake Team Includes:

Classroom Team:

  • Teachers
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Related service providers:
  • Social workers
  • Speech pathologists
  • OT/PT
  • Physical Education/Adapted Physical Education
  • Art Teacher
  • Music Teacher
  • Nursing

Behavior Support Team (Rangers):

  • Behavior specialist
  • School Psychologist


  • Principal & Assistant Principal
  • Administrative Assistant

Gages Lake Supports Includes:


  • Various rooms to meet sensory needs (movement and sensory rooms)
  • Alternate Learning Environment
  • Smaller class size
  • One Teacher & two Paraprofessionals per classroom


  • Individualized Behavior Support Plans (PIP)
  • Behavior Support Team
  • Positive Behavioral Integrated Support (PBIS)
  • Data Driven Behavior Support Meetings
  • Individual classroom Behavior Management Systems


  • Social Emotional Curriculum
  • Targeted Social Groups
  • Mobility Trips (SAB)
  • Vocational/job skills (SAB)


  • School wide gatherings to provide opportunities for application of skills learned
  • Support in transitioning to home district when appropriate


  • Daily home notes
  • Weekly communications with Teachers and Social Workers